Monday, November 22, 2010

Cooper's Hawk - 11-22-10

First close call with a Cooper's Hawk today.

The birds were let out as usual. When I was cleaning the flight loft, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dark bird fly overhead. Normal - sometimes crows will fly around the birds.

I went inside and returned a few minutes later with food just in time to see a Cooper's Hawk fly down into the yard, along the wall and take a shot at the birds flying from the roof of the house to the loft. Luckily, he missed. One bird hung from the bathroom window, another on the back wall (in cat territory) and another by the trashcans. I spooked them into the air and they all trapped immediately.

I'm trying to decide if the birds should be grounded for a few days.

On another note: I was starting to trap train Sydney and Fairbanks (40+ days old) when the hawk hit. They dashed from the breeding aviary into the loft very fast. Not the best way to learn how to trap.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Move Update

Several birds were moved to the new loft section. Frisco, Dover, Salem and Roswell all moved to their new nestbox with very little incident. NOTE: The door needs to be swapped so that the entrance is on the same side as the strut board.

As of this AM, Savannah is not sitting on her one egg. The other egg is due to be laid tonight - perhaps she will begin incubating. Dallas is reacting poorly to move. Very skittish and refused to leave perch overnight.

Jack and Chile, Sydney and Fairbanks moved this morning. Jack is very agitated, attempting to re-enter the old loft by hanging on the adjoining door.

OTHER: Chile and Paris had violent fight overnight or this morning. Both beaks and wattles were bloodied and cut. Chile is in the new loft and Paris remains in the old section.

Things to do over the weekend: Finish the roof, install the remainder of the nestbox fronts, sweep more, install landing board over trap, bring in solid feedbin and water supply.

Once everything is set up: Move in Marty and possibly Topeka and Finny.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Breeding/Flight Loft Movement

The breeding loft will be complete today! Just in time since Savannah has laid her first egg. Here's the loft plan for now:

Breeding Section: Dallas, Savannah (with Baby One and Baby Two), Frisco, Dover, Salem, Roswell, Marty, Fairbanks, Sydney, Topeka, Finny, Jack and Chile. The only permanent residents of the breeding loft will be Dallas, Savannah, Jack, Chile, Marty, Fairbanks and Sydney. Baby One, Baby Two, Salem and Roswell will all be moved to the flight loft when weaned.

Old Section: Juneau, Memphis, Brooklyn, Paris, Phoenix, Diego, Berkeley, Shanghai and Cheyenne.

All breeding stops here for the next six months - at least! My plan is to start doing a little more road training. If birds are lost, they will be replaced by breeders - but not until next year.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

11/9/10 Update

The progress with the breeding section of the loft has been very slow. There will be nine full nestboxes with white plastic fronts. In front of each box will be a strut board for the cock. There will also be a number of perches on the walls. An aviary big enough for sunshine and bathing will be attached.

Salem and Roswell are full of seed. I have not seen the parents feeding crop milk in some time. There is a bit of clicking but they do not seem to be aspirating in any way. Also, they parents do not seem to be as attentive in the colder weather. I checked them last night and they were covered by Dover, so I left it alone.

Fairbanks and Sydney are now fully feathered and testing their wings. They have not left the nestbox but are very curious. I put them in the aviary for a few hours over the weekend to exercise in safety, but they were stunned.

I will start putting them on the landing board, aviary cage closed of course, to get them used to the surroundings before soaping them and allowing them to fly (this weekend).

Jack and Finny are both on two dummy eggs. There are other birds strutting and cooing but no other pairs seem to be forming at the moment.

Plans for breeding section: Dover, Frisco, Jack, Chile, Marty, Dallas, Savannah and Marty. The rest to stay on the young bird side.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Update 11-4-10

A little bit behind. Jack is starting her second batch of eggs. First egg on 11/2/10.

Finny had two eggs which were replaced with dummies (Topeka is the sire). Jack's eggs will be replaced as soon as I see the second egg.

Salem and Roswell are going great and are now banded with Zeppelin bands.

Sydney has developed a crest on the head. What could be in Jack's background for the crest? Perhaps a satinette? Fairbanks has no crest.

The new breeding section of the loft is being built and installed in the next few days. Pix to follow.